Thursday, June 25, 2009

National Liberty Museum's Glass Now Auction deadline extended to JULY 20th

2009 National Liberty Museum:

"Artist Submissions

Thank you for your interest in submitting art to be included in the National Liberty Museum’s 10th Anniversary Glass Now Auction. This annual event is a major fundraiser for the Museum’s anti-violence and character education outreach programs, drawing support from the glass art community, the primary art form featured in the Museum.

The National Liberty Museum is the only museum is the world that uses contemporary glass art for the purpose of celebrating freedom and defusing violence and hate. By incorporating glass art in exhibits on Civic Responsibility, Respect for Diversity, Peaceful Conflict Resolution and Heroism, we make the point that freedom is as fragile as glass and every citizen has the duty to protect it through his or her own actions. More than 450,000 students, families and visitors from across the country and around the world have visited the Museum since we opened our doors in 2000. We have been told that our message is changing lives, while creating a whole new generation of glass art enthusiasts.

When you donate artwork to the Museum's Glass Now Auction, you become a partner in our important mission. You also share your talent with over 500 seasoned and emerging collectors, plus many others who see our auction catalog in the months that follow.

How to donate your artwork

Artists interested in submitting work for the National Liberty Museum’s 10th Anniversary Glass Now Auction should submit an Art Submission Request Form. For this special anniversary year, a panel will review each submission request and notify you if your work has been selected. Submission requests must be filled out completely and include your bio of 100 words maximum and a 300 dpi jpeg image of your artwork. These materials will be used in the selection process and for publication in our full-color auction catalog, if your work is chosen. Submissions may be sent via mail, email or online through this website. See below.

Important Due Dates:

  • July 20 - DATE EXTENDED – Your Art Submission Request Form, including your 100-words maximum bio and 300 dpi jpeg image of your artwork, must be received by the National Liberty Museum.
  • Sept. 1 – All artwork offered through our Auction must be received at the Museum.

Ship to:

National Liberty Museum Glass Now Auction, Attn: Meegan Coll,
321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,PA 19106

Telephone: 215-925-2800 ext.

Terms of your donation
By submitting the Art Submission Request Form, you agree to the following:

  • The proceeds from the sale of your piece will support the work of the National Liberty Museum.
  • Your name will be placed on the Artist's Wall of Honor in the Museum.
  • The Museum will reimburse you for shipping and handling expenses.
  • Your artwork will be received by the Museum no later than September 1, 2009.
  • Your work will be provided complete for presentation, including appropriate stands, frames, hanging hardware and instructions for assembly, if necessary.
  • The information you provide will be published in our Glass Now Auction Catalog distributed to hundreds of top collectors at the auction and in the months that follow. Your artwork will be featured in the “Auction Section” and your bio and contact information in the "Who's Who in Glass Art" Section.
  • You will receive an Auction Catalog and letter of results shortly after the auction.

Submit your Art Request Form Now

If you wish to submit your form, image and information by mail or email CLICK HERE to download a PDF of the Submission Request Form.

If you wish to submit your form, image and information on line, CLICK HERE.

Please contact Meegan Coll: Ph: 215-925-2800, ext. 117, Fax: 215-925-3800, or Email:"

National Liberty Museum. "Glass Now 2009 Weekend and Auction". website accessed June 25, 2009.

More about the National Liberty Museum:

"About the Museum

The National Liberty Museum invites visitors to celebrate the diversity of the American experience and reminds us that we each have the “Power of One” to make a difference.

Glass art is a key component of the Museum because it represents both the beauty and fragility of freedom. The Museum houses one of the largest and most important collections of contemporary glass sculptures in the world. The centerpiece of the Museum is a 21-foot “Flame of Liberty” by the world’s most renowned glass artist, Dale Chihuly.

Another important theme of the Museum is the universality of heroism – the idea that anyone can be a hero. The Museum honors 2,000 people of all backgrounds and walks of life to promote pride in oneself and respect for others. We also teach ways to resolve conflicts peacefully and stress the necessity of civic involvement as a means of preserving America’s heritage of freedom.

All of these messages are presented in visually stunning exhibits and through interactives that are both challenging and fun."

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